Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Next New Thing

New Media has drastically changed the way we have communicated and consumed information.  In this age of technology new forms of media are spat out at a rapid pace.  There does not seem like their is any sign of stopping New Media's progression and the next new thing is imminent.  With Virtual Reality headsets right around the corner, such as the Oculus Rift headset, I can only see ths form of media being taken a step further.  If anyone has seen the Futurama episode that featured the introduction to the "Eyephone," which was essentially a chip put into a persons head that would allow the person to view all of their media, such as Facebook and Instagram.  Now I don't believe a chip in the head or eye is the next thing, but I do believe a contact lens that will enable the user to view their media.  I believe this will be possible with something equipped to the hand, such as a ring to reach out and touch the images produced by the contact lens as well.  Now this may seem far fetched, but so was talking into a phone that could transmit frequencies and voices through satellites.  Who knows maybe it will be the next thing everyone lines up to purchase.   

1 comment:

  1. Cool idea, I don't see anything like this in the near future being made, but I wouldn't be surprised if it does happen.
